The Software Solution for Realistic Calculation and Analysis of Traffic Noise.
Our Software Solutions
We offer GIS-based software solutions for noise calculation, visualization and analysis. Our solutions support you throughout the entire process, from data preparation and calculation of noise pollution to analysis of results and planning of suitable noise abatement measures. Thanks to the latest technology and precise noise models, traffic scenarios and noise abatement measures can be modelled realistically and their effects on the population can be simulated, analyzed and presented transparently.
sonAIR: Aircraft Noise Simulation
Based on the physical emission model sonAIR and the precise sound propagation model sonX, individual takeoff and landing procedures can be simulated and optimized from an acoustic point of view. In addition, annual noise loads, forecasts and scenarios can be calculated and compared.
The sonAIR calculation model was developed on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) by the Empa Laboratory for Acoustics/Noise Control and implemented in the solution D-noise by n-Sphere.
The core of sonAIR is an emission model for detailed description of the direction- and frequency-dependent noise emissions as a function of the flight state (power setting and flight configuration such as flap and landing gear position). For the sound propagation calculation model sonX is used, which allows a simulation of sound propagation as a function of ground effects, meteorological influences, as well as sound reflections from buildings, forests and rocks.
sonROAD18: Street Noise Simulation
On the basis of the latest Swiss noise model sonROAD18 and the sound propagation models sonX and ISO 9613-2, road noise calculations can be carried out depending on traffic volumes and traffic composition. The influence of noise protection measures at source such as speed reductions or low-noise road surfaces and measures on the propagation path can be simulated.
The sonROAD18 emission model was developed on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) by the Empa Laboratory for Acoustics/Noise Control and is currently being implemented in the solution D-noise by n-Sphere.
The emission model sonROAD18 is based on the formalism of CNOSSOS. It describes engine and rolling noise separately for different vehicle types and considers important factors such as speed, gradient and road surface. The model is formulated in third octave bands and takes into account vehicle type-dependent sound radiation characteristics.

sonRAIL: Railway Noise Simulation
Based on the multi-noise source model sonRAIL and the sound propagation model sonX, precise calculations of railway noise situations can be performed and the influence of noise abatement measures at the source and on the propagation path can be simulated.
The sonRAIL calculation model was developed on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) by the Empa Laboratory for Acoustics/Noise Control and implemented in the solution D-noise by n-Sphere.
With the emission model sonRAIL, emissions from locomotives, wagons and carriages can be modelled taking into account the series, the track superstructure and rail properties as well as the rail condition. Analogous to sonAIR, the sonX model is used as sound propagation model, which allows a precise prediction of sound propagation attenuation depending on the source height and sound frequency.
sonARMS: Shooting Noise Simulation
Based on the shooting noise model sonARMS and the sound propagation model sonX, shooting noise calculations for different weapon categories can be simulated taking into account the geographical and meteorological conditions.
The sonARMS calculation model was developed on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) by the Empa Laboratory for Acoustics/Noise Control in cooperation with Merz Technik and was implemented in the solution D-noise by n-Sphere.
The emission model sonARMS describes muzzle blasts, projectile blasts and detonations depending on the weapon category and allows calculations according to annexes 7 and 9 of the Swiss Noise Protection Ordinance.

Unsere Software D-noise wird in der .NET-Umgebung entwickelt und baut auf modernster ArcGIS Technologie von Esri auf. Die implementierten Lärmmodelle wurden an der Empa entwickelt und sind Stand der Technik. Dank modularer Software und einer weitestgehenden Automatisierung lösen wir Kundenaufträge intelligent und effizient.